- It is a magnetically levitated vehicle, which flows by the forces of magnets. When the vehicle is levitated it does not touch the ground nor need wheels. This development began in Japan in 1970. Using super-conducting magnets. Japan is ahead all many other countries opening the Miyazaki Maglev test track in 1977.
How does Maglev help and affect us?
- Maglev has traveled at least 500 kilometers per hour, although your standard high speed train only travels at 300 kilometers an hour. High speed trains often succeed in fast high speed test runs, but can't go fast all the time. For example there are many moving parts on the track and the track had to be straightened quite often or else the train could fall off the track!

Maglev compared to an aeroplane?
- 500 kilometers is only have of what an aeroplane can go, but due to airports being extremely packed and overused these days, trains come in handy for those extra passengers that aren't in need of a plane to travel to their destinations. Trains such as Maglev, are also extra convenient as they can still operate in more weather conditions compared to aeroplanes. Passengers also don't have to wait as long before getting on the train, as theirs no customs or searching required. Maglev, conserves energy meaning they use fewer natural resources and don't make as much pollution.

The dangers of Maglev?
- Although they claim these trains are safe, passengers are actually exposed to electromagnetic fields the same kind produced as the power wire and household appliances. There have been many debates over if they oppose as a threat or not.
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