Introduction Questions:
1. How does viewing this text through a child’s perspective change the way we experience it? Explain using an example from the text.
- Because we get to see through the eyes of another generation/age group, which shows and tells us a whole new level of emotions. E.g they show us different emotions, and point of views.
2. How would this text be different if it were told from the perspective of an adult? How would the audience’s experience be different?
- An adult may have a more experienced and calmer perspective compared to a child. The audiences experienced would be different as an adult could tell a completely different story.
3. Why did the filmmaker or author decide to tell this story from a child’s perspective?
- Because as a child, we get to see more raw emotions and more of a relative perspective.
4. How are children represented in the text? How are adults represented in the text?
- Children are represented as sort of tools. They're thrown into the deep end from a young age and are immediately taken into war, while adults are also on the same boat, but more appreciated and taken seriously than younger kids.
5. Does imagination help the young hero to cope? How so? Provide an example.
- Imagination helps all ages to cope, with any situations. It lets us explore another fantasy and can help us ease up.
6. Does this text connect in any other ways to the other texts you have read/viewed? How so? Provide evidence and explain.
- In many ways, most books I have read, all connect with each other, as their very stereotypical about age, gender and race. Although these things should not matter, in most stories they can sometimes be the main conflict.
Love it bae 10/10 very descriptive and smart