
Thursday 16 March 2017

My first weeks in 8Mt

I have really enjoyed being in 8Mt so far, I like it because I have a lot of my friends in this class. Plus a lot of other pairs I have met! We have been working on Reading, Writing, Maths and Kete plus other activities.

So far in reading we have been doing a bunch of reading tasks which means we have to break the story down. And put it into character webs and other things like how I thought about the story and interesting news reports. 

For writing the whole class had to write on how a orangutan looked and felt in the picture. And then we had to give feedback and our thoughts who we coached!I have really enjoyed this process.

For maths we have been given heaps of tasks sheets we have to full out that include things like pie graphs and stem and leaf graphs! 

In kete we have been learning about Kupe and the giant Wheke, and later on some other Maori legends. I enjoy this because I get to learn a lot about the Maori culture. 

- Shonte