
Wednesday 19 February 2020

Places In Books - English, Creative Writing

Big Sur by Jack Kerouac
This novel is directly based on Kerouac’s own experiences in Big Sur, where he went to escape the fast-paced lifestyle of the city. Protagonist Jack Duluoz doesn’t enjoy being in the limelight, and is able to find peace—however temporarily—in this mountainous, coastal region.

From the book: “On soft Spring nights I’ll stand in the yard under the stars — Something good will come out of all things yet — And it will be golden and eternal just like that — There’s no need to say another word.”

My extension: "The wind soared around me — Bug's hovering over my skin ever so slighty — My mind instantly afloats recapping all life events — I'm consent, and still with all around me."

bixby canyon

Wednesday 12 February 2020

English - About Me

We did an, About Me task in English. So this is just a little bit about me :)