
Friday 9 June 2017

Artist Statement

- This picture is my latest art piece I am in the process of making! 

- I have shapes I have used are flowers and ovals.

- My inspiration was off my Art teachers art blog! And I saw a lot of flowers I really liked and wanted to draw myself. 

- My first problem with this piece was the size of the peddles on the flower. I am going to be doing a different flower that consist on 6 peddles and looks a bit more different than this picture.

- My work's meaning is the pacific culture! Which I am really excited to do since I'm am a part of that culture myself. The message for everyone that views my blog is that we should all try draw a at piece of any & every culture.

- I am really enjoying drawing the outlines of my artwork since it makes my art a lot more bolder. I could work on fixing the shape of it.

- I have learned not all shapes are square like and have straight sides and angles. And there are a lot of oval like shapes and diamond ones that are super cool.

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