
Friday 22 November 2019

Treaty Essay

  • In 1830 their were Missionaries, Whalers & Maori living New Zealand. They all had their own desires in need of protection to things like Maori rights and land. Wars broke out such as the Musket Wars, decreasing the population of mostly Maori. We also had reasons to bring in a treaty, such as reckless behaviour, trading and in order to bring in a flag you had to have a treaty. I will now be explaining in 5 paragraphs- why all of these scenarios needed a treaty.

Paragraph 1: The Lawyer
( Lawless Behaviour ) 
  • A treaty was needed to give rules and laws around certain things in New Zealand. If not things would’ve got messy potentially more wars would have broken out too. 
This point is important because if they didn’t enforce such laws, there would be no boundaries and things would get out of control. Meaning no trades and no agreements. For example:

  • They drank recklessly
  • Prostitution
  • Drunken Acts

In conclusion, a treaty is well worth needing and provides safe aspects to the people and society. A treaty enforced rules, and laws after certain actions had been shown from the public. With a treaty in place, they are still able to trade along with agreements.

Paragraph 2: The Lawyer
( Maori Rights ) 
  • Another reason a treaty was needed was to protect Maori rights, to protect their land and also to prevent more killing. 

  • This is important because without being in place there would be more killings, which would lead to population change. Maori land could also be lost and handed over to the Missionaries.

Evidence to support this:

  • The killing continues = population change
  • Maori Land Lost 
  • Unprotected Maori rights 

Paragraph 3: The Hammer
( Musket Wars ) 

  • Musket wars lead to many killings that could also affect their population 
  • Many trades were affected
  • Maori we're outnumbered as they didn’t have as such powerful weapons like the English did such as the Musket. 

  • They needed a treaty to prevent more musket wars, which helps which population change within the Maori’s as well. And to prevent affected trades. 

  • If we don’t get a treaty finalised and enforced the population will decrease and more musket wars could occur- affecting the Maori population heavily. No laws would be set, meaning people can go on with their madness. 

In conclusion, a treaty needs to be set with laws and boundaries in order to save more lives and to prevent a huge downfall in the population. 

Paragraph 4: The Slam Dunk
( Declaration of Independence ) 
  • Finally, the Declaration of Independence was needed for Maori to trade with other countries and as well to protect Maori rights. New Zealand did not have an official flag yet, meaning they couldn’t trade internationally at this time. 

In conclusion, all these 4 scenarios needed a treaty. It was used to enforce laws and control wars and behaviour. The Treaty of Waitangi was one of the most significant events in New Zealand history. This treaty just shows how it can create safety within a country. And its really created what New Zealand is today.

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