
Friday 1 December 2017

My Narrative.

  1. A memorable wedding or funeral. Writing as I we're that person.
My funeral. I thought this day would never come. The pain, the grief all mixed together as one. I am writing this today ( December the 1st ) as I am currently stuck in a rest home trying to prove something of myself. I am a 77 year old lonely man… My so called “Family” Doesn’t visit. I just sit in the same chair waiting for a spark to appear and bring joy upon me. For the first time I went for a light stroll around the centre for some fresh air! I had all these strange rather silly thoughts popping up in my head. I’m not just old and lonely in a rest home, I also suffer from stage 4 colon cancer. I have this dark fear that my life is coming to an end. My doctors told me I wouldn’t last long. 5 months ago they said I could hopefully last another 6 months. Hearing those words “You won’t last long” is life changing. You look back and realise all your dreams you didn’t make a reality and sigh.

I want to make my last few months, possibly days as memorable as possible. I want to travel the world, try different food, and just do dumb things. That’s all I want to do! How could I forget! Hi i’m Peter and you're about to witness how i’m spending my last days left:) I come from a big family, I was a young star in a small boy band that was rising to the top of the charts. The group was successful enough to make some small bucks. It was all going well until the band had a “Group meeting” Which was when they decided among themselves to kick me out! They said I was too boring, and mature. It was true I was always the mature responsible kid in the class, and people hated me for it.

I got bullied for being a continuous buzz kill.  I always sucked the joy out of everything, well in my mind I sucked the dangerous things out. My family was quite poor. We were originally from Mississippi, not exactly the most thriving place to live in. I’d never had a loving mother in my life, as she left us when I was very young. I grew up with a single father that worked as a lumberjack which got us just enough money for groceries and power. I learnt it all from my dad, I never knew what it was like to have two parents that wanted to grow old together!

I was the oldest of 7, which brought upon tough jobs. I took care of my siblings 24/7 getting nothing but tiredness and starvation out of it. It was a hard life for us the Miller family as my father struggled to keep up with the bills. 1941 I was just seventeen years old when my whole family got evicted out of our home. My father (Brent) was losing hours at work, and didn’t end up with enough money to pay the taxes. We stayed with dad's sister Kathy and eventually found a new house years later.

Ever since that day I've been continually counting my blessings, as I was and am still so grateful for finding another house. We all worked hard, I got a part time job at an old fishing shack called (hook n rod) as for my 2 other siblings that we're old enough to work found jobs at a local diner! With all of us working we we're able to keep up with appliances. (Back to 2017) I lay in the bed of my rest home listening to the quiet ticks of the clock, it got dark quickly and it was time for sleep.

I woke up and had my usual day, and go to a small white room for chemo treatment. I get more and more depressed as the day goes on. A windy, gusty Tuesday, I am casually eating some hot soup as I got a requested phone call at 8. Apparently from a relative! I get on the phone to hear a musky dark voice repeat “I will make an entrance” “It will all crash and burn” I jump of the phone call with fear and startled face… The nurse says “Well who was that” with an excited squeaky voice.

I say I don’t know I really don’t. I returned back to my room, lying on my bed reading a book that calmed me. I finally fell asleep then to wake up hearing creaking noise coming from outside my door. I saw a bright flash before my eyes! Everything had blown up into the air, what had happened. I survived I said while trying to hear and open up my eyes. A dark mask faced group stood over me, one took of his mask revealing who he was. He said “I said it would all crash and burn” You know me, right dad! I trembled at the words he said thinking wait I don’t have a son...

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