
Thursday 26 September 2019

Physical Education - Gymnastics

In p.e the current unit we are learning and focusing on is gymnastics! We have been learning and practising the basic of gymnastics with the basic equipment. Before we started this unit, I had zero skills involving gymnastics especially regarding coming off of a dislocated knee injury. Of course, some sequences were easily manageable as, during my childhood I often spent a lot of time on the trampoline. I think what I could improve on next time could definitely be, my technique of my backwards roll as I constantly fell towards the side and couldn’t actually roll myself over properly. I thought, something I did well was the bean sequence, as it was a lot lower and easier on my knee. Their was a bigger beam but I wasn’t able to bend my knee and get up properly. 

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Pad Thai ( Practical Week 7 )

Teamwork Aspects:

 Task = Making Pad Thai 

- Skills within team = Today I thought we were really on point with working with each other effectively and our time management. 

- Improvements = I found that this lesson we made a mistake that we thought at the time couldn't be fixed, but we put our minds to it and were able to save the dish. 

- Time Management = 

- Feedback = Our Pad Thai dish was cooked perfectly although we found it was overly sweet. We also didn't think that the peanuts should've been used, but maybe if they were a different sort or softened we'd try it again with them. 

- Taste, Texture, Colour etc of product. = Our dish was overly sweet, though was cooked just right and was super soft and slippery. The colour of our product was a nice medium beige colour! 

- Improvements or modifications that can be made = Next time we could be more aware of the instructions and definitely experiment with certain add ons before completly adding them in.  

Next step for own learning

- I could've been much more aware of our time management and could've started more tasks to help complete it faster. 

Thursday 5 September 2019

Building a Land Yacht - The Fastest

Build the fastest land yacht

Aim: To build the fastest land yacht. 

 1m paper roll
 2m tape
 cardboard square
metal rod
 wooden trolley 

1. Cut a square shape out of paper.
2. Make 2 holes, big enough to fit the rod
3. Make a curve
4. Take rod and place in the 2 holes, in the paper 
5. Take the wooden trolley and place the sail with the rod in the hole of the wooden trolley. 
6. To make a curve sail out of paper, tape in using the metal rod as the axles and masts for the sail. 

Planning: We were thinking that we could create a square sail with a stick through the middle. We think the wind will blow best with a square sail, due to the easy force of the wind direction. 

Research: We have so far researched how to make small sailboats and land yachts. Within our research, we found that the most popular and effective ideas were square or triangle sailboats. 

Drawn plan:

Results/Discussion:  In the end, just as we were about to race our land yacht it collapsed on us before we had the chance to see it go. Before it completely collapsed we had taken notice, that the hole made out of wood had actually split causing our rod to lean backwards, making our paper to fall inwards as well. We also did not have enough sellotape for our cardboard holding at the bottom, which meant our paper was hitting the wheels and our yacht was not able to move properly. Next time we will think of a more simple and practical shape for our land yacht.

Conclusion: In conclusion, our plan had started outright but in the end, the yacht collapsed and we weren't able to get a final result. Next time we can definitely, work on not overthinking our plans and shall experiment earlier to see what shape would've worked best.  

Essay Pre-Planning

Our task:

  • Describe a relationship between 2 or more characters in the text. Explain how this relationship helped you to understand at least 1 of the characters.
- My group chose Inan & Zelie. This relationship, helped me understand Zelie by showing 3 different main character traits. Open-minded, strong person and has a soft side. By researching into this relationship I found a lot of flaws about Zelie, and how she overcame everything she went through. To me, this was really inspiring.

Wednesday 4 September 2019

Pizza ( Practical Week 6 )

Teamwork Aspects:
 Task = Making Pizza's

- Skills within team = Today I thought we were really on point and had a pleasant time management.

- Improvements = I found that this lesson we honestly didn't lack, much in my opinion. 

- Time Management = 

- Feedback = The pizza was cooked and based perfectly, with all of our toppings placed evenly. 

- Taste, Texture, Colour etc of product. = The texture 

- Improvements or modifications that can be made = Next time we could be more organised with time management.

Next step for own learning

- I could've been much more aware of our time management and could've started more tasks to help complete it faster. 

Tuesday 3 September 2019

How were pyramids built?

The Pyramids Of Giza

( The ancient pyramids of Egypt were built and constructed from 2630-2610 BC. There are 3 main pyramids out of more than 12, in Giza. The Pyramid of Menkaure, the Pyramid of Khafre and the Great Pyramid of Khufu. They were made, The pyramids were made out of limestone, granite, basalt, gypsum, and baked mud bricks. ) 

All of the tools and materials they used were natural resources. They got the main source known as limestone from quarries. They would put water underneath the brick, then they would push a stick through the middle. During this process, the stick expands because of the water causing the brick to split in half. Once the bricks split, there ready to be transported and then laid. Bricks are then pulled on a so-called sled and have water poured on the sand before them in order for the sled to be, able to move. Once moved these bricks were then placed down and formed into the strongest shape ( the triangle ) Egyptians has to be smart about this and actually also created a lot of our subjects today. They then sealed what was now a formed pyramid with limestone. 

Essay Pre-Writing

Essay Pre-Writing

The incident of Amari & Zelie finding the scroll helped me to understand the idea of the power of friendship because with the help of each other and their determination they were able to get their hands on the scroll.  
We see this in the text when they say " I expect to feel some aura in the scroll's presence." 

The incident of Amari & Zelie finding the scroll helped me to understand the idea of the power of friendship between the two because at the very start of the book Amari & Zelie weren't exactly fond of each other. Though in the end, Zelie decided since Amari had the scroll she should probably make some amends. 

Monday 2 September 2019

Essay Pre-Planning

What we did today and where all this information came from:
( - We had to answer a series of questions about the post-reading for Children of blood and bone. We worked in random groups of 4 or less to answer, these questions. All this information came from the book and was found online. ) 

1. My key event is going to be the solstice.

2. My important character is going to be Zelie.

3. What are the three ways this character changed as a result of the event? 

My character changed from being hopeful to scared

My character changed from being scared to traumatized 

My character changed from being traumatized to revengeful