
Thursday 24 October 2019

Yellowstone Caldera - Science

Yellowstone Caldera

How do volcanoes form?
- Volcanoes are formed when magma from within the Earth’s upper mantle works its way up to the surface. When it reaches the surface, it erupts to form lava flows and ash deposits. Over time as the volcano continues to erupt, it will get bigger and bigger.

Where is it located?
- Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, United States

When did it last erupt?

- Approximately 640,000 years ago, which produced 240 cubic miles ( 1,000 km3 ) of rock, dust and volcanic ash into the sky.

Did it do any damage when it last erupted?

- If the Yellowstone Caldera spewed ash it would have gone thousands of miles across the United States- damaging buildings, ruining crops and shutting down power plants


- Many people believe an eruption will happen every 600,000.
- When it was to erupt it would cause drastic damage and cause a change in temperature and much more.
- It said to be changing frequently.

Image result for Yellowstone Caldera

Volcano eruption:

I and my group had the task of creating a look-alike volcano to one of our group members volcanoes. We chose Mauna Loa, as the volcano to create. Once it was created, we then added into a beaker 20ml of water and then 4 spatulas of potassium iodide. Then in our water bottle which was in the middle of the volcano ( we stuck paper around it, which created our volcano ), we added to the bottle an amount of Hydrogen Peroxide, with dishwashing liquid and any food colouring of your choice. 

Pasta ( Practical Week 1, Term 4 )

Teamwork Aspects:
 Task = Making Pasta

- Skills within team = I thought that our team worked really well, and the end result was delicious. 

- Improvements = I think we could have listened to instructions, better as we were a bit lost. 

- Time Management = 

- Feedback = The pasta was delicious and the sauce was cooked perfectly.

- Taste, Texture, Colour etc of product. = The texture 

- Improvements or modifications that can be made = We could have definitely let the pasta cook for longer, as it got cold quick. 

Next step for own learning

- I could've been much more aware of the instructions being given. 

Wednesday 23 October 2019

E-asTTle Practice Writng - Persuasive

Currently, in English, we have been practising our E-asTTle writing skills for our upcoming E-asTTle test. As you can see underneath is paragraph will be multiple writing skills and structures I am trying to perfect and understand.
I am aiming to improve my writing in the following 3 areas: Organisation, Structure & Language and Sentence Structure.
I will do this by:
( Organisation ) - I will do this by practising and developing the skills to link all of my paragraphs together. As in, making each last sentence of my paragraphs link to the first sentence of the second paragraph.
( Structure & Language ) - I will do this by creating and putting in some sentences that include things such as rhetorical questions or a ponderous thought to catch the readers attention.
( Sentence Structure ) - I will do this by adding more of a variety of sentences in order to create an impact. Such as embedded clauses and making sure my writing is free comma splices.

( My draft writing, down below. The highlighted )
“Sportsmen should not get paid to play sports”

I disagree with this opinion, as in my eyes sportsmen should get paid for the sports they play, as
technically that’s their running job. Sportsmen in all different categories of sport should always get
paid for what they do. As it’s their job to perform and encourage people all while putting an enormous
amount of time, money & effort into it. Sportsmen are paid to put on an incredible, fast and often
tough game versing opponents. Which is made to rial the crowd up in hopes, for more outsiders to
get interested and more recognition for the sport itself. 

These people deserve to get payed as their putting their body on the line and their adding a huge
amount of time and money into this sport- as well as having to sell and present the sport to locals,
communities and also highly recommended... schools preferably primary schools. As at that age,
their still properly adjusting to the environment of sport, and are also super active. Meaning getting
them into sport earlier would help with getting more kids interested in sports and also helping them
to adapt to the environment and help with creating and mastering skills. 

Another factor to include is the hate that these sportsmen get. Throughout social media and partly
face to face as well. They get harsh comments on their performances throughout their games, on
basically how well they play. Majority of the time fans will throw hate and shade on players who
haven’t just had a bad game but the whole team if they’ve lost against their opponents. Comments
can sometimes lead back to personal problems and culture. You may often hear a lot of racial slurs
being thrown at players, especially if their foreign to the team and country. 

In conclusion, sportsmen should be getting paid. As they put a huge amount of time, effort and
money into what they do. To sportsmen this is their job, this is their standing career. They have to
present and sell their sports to the audience not just around them but globally too. They put their
bodies on the line in order to get other people’s satisfaction. They get bashed around and
dangerously injured in order to bring success for their team and club. Which is something you
wouldn’t want to involve yourself with, an ordinary job. So not only is it tiring, but it’s dangerous
and hateful.

 But still, these sportsmen continue in what they do because it makes them feel complete and
happy, knowing that they’ve made a career out of what they love. Imagine if you were in such a
position? Playing your heart out, doing something you love all while putting your body on the line
for it, to only end up with nothing in return. How would you feel, knowing someone is just using you
to make money and success off of you, to then only end up with no reward in the end?

Monday 21 October 2019

Tangaroa ( Maori God ) Social Studies

Tangaroa, Poseidon & Varuna are all linked by all being gods or rulers of oceans, lakes, rivers and god of the sea life. Although they all have their own separate stories behind them, they are all very much alike in their own cultures.