
Monday 28 August 2017

Our Spring Haiku!

Haiku 1.
Flowers bloom all round
Butterflies fly in the sky
Can you hear that sound

Haiku 2.
Time for Spring cleaning
Mum yells out “GO CLEAN YOUR ROOM!”
You go to the mall.

Thursday 24 August 2017

The Fudge and the Furious!

Do you like Fudge? Well if your from Hornby High School, then come down to the old sports window near J6! We have a range from Fudge, Brownies, Cookies & Lollie Cake!
All these food sorts will be sold for $2.00 each.

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Understanding the Human Body!

- It's tough
- It's very smooth
- It is super strong
It is placed on the ends of the bones that move across each other, it stops Friction and acts as a shock absorber. The Cartilage is a firm tissue between two bones.

What can damage a Cartilage?

- Lack of movement can be something to damage a Cartilage, while also stress and heavy impact can damage your Cartilage. 

- Lack of Movement 
- Heavy Impact 
- Stress & Wear & Tear

Damage results in bones grinding as they move over each other, this can lead to Arthritis. 


- There are two types of Arthritis. One type is osteoarthritis, which is a type of Wear and Tear disease. Wear and Tear means the Cartilage is breaking down leading to a lot of pain between the joint. 

- The second type is rheumatoid meaning it affects the joints but then leads to the entire body. It makes that affected part of your body swollen and crooked. Meaning you will have less movement in that area.

Tendons, Ligaments & Muscles

- Tendons connect muscles to bones, they are very alike to Ligaments as they are both made up of Collagon. 

- Ligaments are most commonly what athletics injure. I personally have injured a lot of Ligaments in my legs just from sport.

- Muscles are responsible for the movement of the entire Human Body.


- It is a Tendon of the back leg, it is the thickest part of your body. 

The different types of Muscles
Image result for different types of muscles

- The three types of Muscles are the Muscle Tissue, Smooth and Skeletal, Cardiac Muscle cells. 

Understanding the Human Body!

Image result for the human skeletonThe human Skeleton!

The Skeleton basically sums up all your bones in one. These are the bones basic names compared to some other names they got given!

Skeleton - Cranium
Ankle Bones - Tarsals
Bone in upper leg - Femur
Knee Cap - Patella 
Shoulder Blade - Scapula
Upper Jaw Bone - Maxilla
Heel Bone - Calcaneous
Fingers & Toes - Phalanges
Tailbone - Coccyx
Wrist Bones - Carpals 
Collar Bone - Clavicle 
Image result for structure of bone


How many bones does a baby have?
Babies have 300 bones all up.

How many bones have you got? 

We have around 206 bones!

What is Bullying?

 This is my What is Bullying poster! It shows what bullying means and many types bullying can come in. I hope this helps anyone who is struggling with bullying at the moment.

Monday 21 August 2017


Centring Exercises 
Good for posture, releasing tension, develop focus, concentration, belief.
Use stillness, controlled movement, isolate body parts.
Eg: Spine Roll, Pendulum, Zen Rock Bottom

Why is laughing good for you?
I personally think it helps you live longer.

Is using the power of your imagination everyday.
Say if you were a bit tense, you could imagine your floating on a cloud. 

Coming up with creativity everywhere anywhere! 

Tuesday 15 August 2017

Taha Hinengaro

                         Taha Hinengaro

Taha Hinengaro will be the last dimension out of the four I will be doing. Taha Hinengaro means mental well-being, meaning a good positive mindset. This means being able to control your emotions and feelings and if you need someone to talk to there is always someone there no matter what the problem may be.

           How do I control my personal emotions?

If I was asking or wondering this question I would have to say you don't always have to, you don't have to control your feelings if they are getting in the way of tasks or commitments you can talk to someone maybe in your family or even your friends. I tend to talk to my friends about these things as most of the time there involved around school and my family would not understand as much as my friends would. But I would still try going to your family if its a personal matter.
           How do I keep a positive mood?

Sometimes you just need to feel like your in a positive place when there are tough matters going on, like moving somewhere or just having a tough time finishing something. I am not the best at this and normally stress out all the time but lately I have found my balance my being patient with myself and excepting what I have to do or finish because it feels better, when you do achieve something you've been stressing about.

Taha Wairua

                            Taha Wairua 

Taha Wairua is the Spiritual dimension! Taha Wairua means a good balanced mind set. Say you know what your doing in life and you know what your chasing, and your also making sure your looking after yourself as well as others. A good Taha Wairua is having a balanced mind set/life, meaning you don't take to many opportunities, in case you can't keep up with them. Instead you choose the right amount to keep you steady.

         How to keep a balanced life for yourself!

Keeping a good solid life comes into play with not taking on to many commitments, as this can get too much for one person to handle and it happens to a lot of us because we cannot handle the amount of work we have been given but we never want to let that team or group down!

            How to keep a steady friendship!

This is often what most people need a little bit of help with. A good spiritual mind set can often lead to a good life and friendship with everyone around you, sometimes being really busy, you can often get into a bad mood and sometimes you would take it out on someone around you. That someone was probably trying to help so, that's why I think people should take one commitment at a time and ease into other activities if they think there ready for that.

Taha Tinana

                                       Taha Tinana

Taha Tinana is your physical well-being. This dimension is all about health, strength and things like getting active. I will be telling you how to get more active with family, maybe even how to get out of bad moods because getting active can also help with things like that! 

                       How to keep a good healthy life!

I personally know I need some work on this as I am not very good at getting enough sleep! Getting a good amount of hours of sleep is one of the important things to keep a healthy life as this helps you have a good mood towards people. Some other things you can do is keep a healthy diet and try only have a treat during the weekend, and I assure you that you will be living a happier life by doing these steps!

     What else comes into play with this dimension?

Personal hygiene can actually be a big problem for some people and can also make a big difference to. I suggest showering each day and if your a girl just washing your hair every two days! Personal hygiene can make you feel much cleaner which starts leading to being healthy and active. As you get older a lot of the time once girls and boys start getting more mature they start to think about being healthier. 

Wednesday 9 August 2017

Taha Whanau

                            Taha Whanau

Taha Whanau is one of the four dimensions of Hauora, Taha Whanau mean's family well-being. Such as relationships, friendships & things like compassion and caring. Taha Whanau is based all around feelings and emotion. This dimension is about looking after your family when in need. To lead to a good life is to have good positive people and vibes around you. Which first already is your family!

  How to keep a positive relationship with your family

Too keep a good positive relationship with your Whanau all you have to do be be grateful for what you have and appreciate your loved ones that are still with you till this day. If you help them out a lot more around the house as well you will start building a strong relationship with them, which also helps with any sort of advice you need or feedback!

    Where do you find Taha Whanau besides home?

Taha Whanau can be found at sports club, business, schools and places like elderly homes as well! Taha Whanau is literally found anywhere and everywhere. You can even show Taha Whanau by looking after friends maybe when there sick!!