
Thursday 28 September 2017

The Year 8 Attitude Talk

Monday the 25th of September 2017

We had someone come in from a society called Attitude! His name was Phil,  and he told us all about how were all different and none of us are near normal. We talked about what type of animal we are, there was a Lion which acted as a leader and directer, then there was a otter who were the really fun people. Then there was a beaver who wanted everything perfect, then last but not least there was a golden retriever who were the kind of people that never said no to anyone about anything and were overall to nice. 

I personally think I am a Lion crossed between a Beaver, as I am a directer when needed but also I am very focused when it comes to having things looking perfect. Phil also told us some amazing and funny stories from his friends he knew or when he was a kid. 

Over all I really enjoyed this talk/lesson and I hope to see them again! They provide a lot of help and even have there own text line, if you needed to talk to someone else if no one was around you. They offer fast and good care to everyone. 

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Mental Health Awareness Week

      Mental health awareness week.
             What is Mental Health Awareness Week?

This week is all about helping those who go through depression and anxiety and how we can help by donating funds to the society. 

What is there theme for this year?

This year the MHAW theme is all about Nature and how we should all enjoy the outdoors while we have it. And how if were ever in a sad situation, they say to go outside and calm down.

How could we all help?

If you want to help out you could always donate funds to this Society, or all round just support this donation and start sponsoring them to your friends and family.


Tuesday 26 September 2017

Gymnastics - week 4

What did I like most about gymnastics this year?
I liked the volt and the trampoline the most as the volt is all about jumping correctly onto the mats and I liked the trampoline because you can bounce super high up!

What did I learn how to do?
How to always keep my hands up if I am using the volt and to keep my legs straight while doing things on the trampoline.

Thursday 21 September 2017

The problem of plastic waste today.

Plastic Waste, that lies in our sea. Killing the sea life.

What is plastic waste?

Plastic waste is a world known crisis, that is killing our animals and sea life today. There are 4 big known patches spread around the ocean, all that rubbish is just floating in big piles on top of the sea trapping animals underneath it. These four patches are called the great Pacific Garbage Patches, they are located all around the world between most countries.

Why is plastic killing these animals?

Plastic waste is all over the ocean and the animals that live there are thinking plastic is food, or there getting stuck in some sort of plastic wrapping that is not suited for their body. These animals are consuming so much plastic that is sits in there stomach and not come out at all.

Is there anything solving this?

The people of Samoa are in fact doing something about this! They have started to make bags out of yeast. Meaning after used that bag will eventually dissolve not harming any animals out there, these bags are being grown from crops.

How could we help this?

We could start using paper bags or even glass if we do recycle it. The less plastic and littering we do, the more safer animals and our environment will be.

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Endangered Species

The Maui Dolphin
What will happen to the species if it is not given any help?

If these Maui dolphins, do not get any help they will permanently be extinct forever. Meaning one of the most rarest Dolphins will be gone.

What does endangered mean?

It means very close to being extinct, which puts those animals at risk of being lost. Extinct means a certain animal or object has been lost, and no longer is living or still around.

Six or more types of endangered NZ species!

  • The Maui Dolphin
  • The Chesterfield Skink
  • The Mokohinau Stag Beetle
  • The NZ fairy tern
  • The Blue Duck
  • The Canterbury Knobbled Weevil 
  • The Kiwi
  • The Weka
  • The Land Snail
What is a Maui Dolphin?

A Maui Dolphin is the worlds most rarest, and smallest Dolphin specie alive! It is a sliver toned light blue colour with white skin patches, on the sides and underneath it.

How did the Maui Dolphins become endangered?

Most of the cause is the serious deaths of the Dolphin from big Fishing Nets off fishing boats. And the New Zealand Government had asked fisherman's to use more safer and convenient nets. 

What is being done to help this?

The cause of their deaths have now been a lot more controlled by the Government, making people who are fishing with those certain nets a little bit more aware of what the could be hurting.

How successful has this help been?

This has not made a big change in how there being affected but since then Dolphins have not been dying as often as there were.

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Gymnastics - Week 3

What did I like about it?
I enjoyed that we got to learn ourselves this period for gymnastics, and I liked it a lot because I was with a group of my friends and we all learned things we didn't know, together.

What did I achieve?
How to properly land off a spring like jumping board and that was probably the best part of gymnastics today!

Tuesday 12 September 2017


Today I really enjoyed PE as we practised on the parallel beams and then the trampoline, my favourite part was the trampoline as it bounced super high! 

Gymnastics - 12/09/17

By the end of this period of PE/Gymnastics I would like to be able to do a correct cartwheel.
Image result for gymnastics

Monday 11 September 2017

Maori Performing Arts

4 unique styles of Maori performances.

  • Haka 
  • War chants 
  • Body Percussion
  • Dance 
Haka, is a type of style for Maori performance arts

Image result for haka

This is one out of many styles of how the Maori people and culture express the Maori culture.

Image result for The Cook Island Haka'

The haka is in all cultures such as the Cook Islands, this is there league team doing 
there traditional haka!

Disclaimer - These are not my photos at all, and I simply searched up the Maori & Cook Island performing haka and these images came up. I credit whoever these photos belong to. 

Thursday 7 September 2017

Senses - Practical

Today we got to taste, smell, touch a bunch of items and sense what they were! These are our answers we came up with. Majority of these were correct, and I think we should do more science periods like these, as they were funny & interesting!

Taste - 
1 - Vegemite
2 - Apple Sauce 
3 - Cornflakes
4 - Marshmallows 
5 - Sour Patch Kids

Smell - 
1 - Vinegar
5 - Coffee beans
6 - Hot Chocolate Powder
7 - Red Onion
4 - A Banana 

Touch - 
1 - Grass
2 - Pegs 
3 - Pine Cones
4 - Ping Pong ball
5 - Buttons
6 - String
7 - Cotton Wool
8 - Pebbles 
9 - Marbles 
10 - Pipe Cleaners

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Experts in Role - Our drama class!

- In Drama class today 8Mt played something called "experts in role" meaning we sit in a circle and one by one say our name, why where here and describe the object in front of us. 

- We describe how the unreal or real object feels, and what it looks like and also where you think its from. So basically you describe the object as most as you can.
Image result for sitting in a circle

What my friends said!

Nadia - it looks like it comes from a house!

Trisha - it looks like a toilet.

Deianira - it looks ancient.


Tuesday 5 September 2017


On the 5th of September, 

8Mt & 8RC both took PE together as usual, this class we our subject to focus and train at was Gymnastic's. I personally am not a big fan of gymnastic's and would rather focus on a sport. This period was my first time doing Gymnastics after last year! I did like it today because we did it in boys and girls group, which I like because I with all my friends.

Image result for gymnastics