
Thursday 21 September 2017

The problem of plastic waste today.

Plastic Waste, that lies in our sea. Killing the sea life.

What is plastic waste?

Plastic waste is a world known crisis, that is killing our animals and sea life today. There are 4 big known patches spread around the ocean, all that rubbish is just floating in big piles on top of the sea trapping animals underneath it. These four patches are called the great Pacific Garbage Patches, they are located all around the world between most countries.

Why is plastic killing these animals?

Plastic waste is all over the ocean and the animals that live there are thinking plastic is food, or there getting stuck in some sort of plastic wrapping that is not suited for their body. These animals are consuming so much plastic that is sits in there stomach and not come out at all.

Is there anything solving this?

The people of Samoa are in fact doing something about this! They have started to make bags out of yeast. Meaning after used that bag will eventually dissolve not harming any animals out there, these bags are being grown from crops.

How could we help this?

We could start using paper bags or even glass if we do recycle it. The less plastic and littering we do, the more safer animals and our environment will be.

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