
Thursday 7 September 2017

Senses - Practical

Today we got to taste, smell, touch a bunch of items and sense what they were! These are our answers we came up with. Majority of these were correct, and I think we should do more science periods like these, as they were funny & interesting!

Taste - 
1 - Vegemite
2 - Apple Sauce 
3 - Cornflakes
4 - Marshmallows 
5 - Sour Patch Kids

Smell - 
1 - Vinegar
5 - Coffee beans
6 - Hot Chocolate Powder
7 - Red Onion
4 - A Banana 

Touch - 
1 - Grass
2 - Pegs 
3 - Pine Cones
4 - Ping Pong ball
5 - Buttons
6 - String
7 - Cotton Wool
8 - Pebbles 
9 - Marbles 
10 - Pipe Cleaners

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