
Wednesday 20 September 2017

Endangered Species

The Maui Dolphin
What will happen to the species if it is not given any help?

If these Maui dolphins, do not get any help they will permanently be extinct forever. Meaning one of the most rarest Dolphins will be gone.

What does endangered mean?

It means very close to being extinct, which puts those animals at risk of being lost. Extinct means a certain animal or object has been lost, and no longer is living or still around.

Six or more types of endangered NZ species!

  • The Maui Dolphin
  • The Chesterfield Skink
  • The Mokohinau Stag Beetle
  • The NZ fairy tern
  • The Blue Duck
  • The Canterbury Knobbled Weevil 
  • The Kiwi
  • The Weka
  • The Land Snail
What is a Maui Dolphin?

A Maui Dolphin is the worlds most rarest, and smallest Dolphin specie alive! It is a sliver toned light blue colour with white skin patches, on the sides and underneath it.

How did the Maui Dolphins become endangered?

Most of the cause is the serious deaths of the Dolphin from big Fishing Nets off fishing boats. And the New Zealand Government had asked fisherman's to use more safer and convenient nets. 

What is being done to help this?

The cause of their deaths have now been a lot more controlled by the Government, making people who are fishing with those certain nets a little bit more aware of what the could be hurting.

How successful has this help been?

This has not made a big change in how there being affected but since then Dolphins have not been dying as often as there were.

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