
Tuesday 20 August 2019

Tech And Change - Social Studies

Are students addicted to their cellphones? If so, is that a problem? 

- From what I've observed students, around me wouldn't be considered "addicted" to their phones ( devices ) although, I may not see how they use their devices at home, from what I have witnessed I can clearly tell were not addicted. On the other hand I definitely agree we could use some off screen time. 

- Yes, it would be a problem if students especially young ones were to be addicted to their device at such a age. Being on a screen to long can affect you in all sorts of ways. Ether it be mental or physical. Mental aspects would mean, you could get affected by words said online that are personal and it could take a toll on you, you could get roped into unnecessary online drama or bullying and more. Social Media has it's good and bad side. Physically you could drain yourself if your on your device to much, especially if your losing sleep over it. This can cause bad eye sight, sleepless nights and mood swings.

( Do I think devices are good? Honestly yes, their extremely helpful and handy in ways we couldn't even imagine. Is it okay if were addicted? No, as much as I like the concept of technology, they also bring a lot of bad outcomes and can cause you to stray away from things. ) 

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