
Tuesday 26 November 2019

Climate Change - Science

Climate Change

What is the Greenhouse effect?
- Is radiation from a planet's atmosphere heats up the planet's surface to a temperature above what it would be without this atmosphere.  

Effects of Global Warming?
- These are just some effects of global warming. 
Image result for climate change
  • Melting of glaciers, early snowmelt plus severe droughts will cause dangerous water shortages.
  • Increased while fires in multiple countries, such as America and Australia.
  • Due to snow and glaciers melting, sea levels rise. 
    Image result for climate change
  • Farms affected in areas such as new pests, heat waves, increased flooding. 
  • Disruption to Coral Reefs and Alpine Meadows could potentially lead some animals to extinction. 
  • More disease outbreaks, mainly things asthma and hayfever. Due to the increased growth of pollen, spreading higher up into the air- into our lungs. The more polluted the air is, the more damaged our lungs and body will be.

What is the solution to Climate Change? 

- Biofuel. Biofuel is a fuel that is produced through contemporary processes from Biomass. 
This is a safer alternative, to use rather than actual fuel. It's organic, meaning it's safer to the environment. 

Friday 22 November 2019

Treaty Essay

  • In 1830 their were Missionaries, Whalers & Maori living New Zealand. They all had their own desires in need of protection to things like Maori rights and land. Wars broke out such as the Musket Wars, decreasing the population of mostly Maori. We also had reasons to bring in a treaty, such as reckless behaviour, trading and in order to bring in a flag you had to have a treaty. I will now be explaining in 5 paragraphs- why all of these scenarios needed a treaty.

Paragraph 1: The Lawyer
( Lawless Behaviour ) 
  • A treaty was needed to give rules and laws around certain things in New Zealand. If not things would’ve got messy potentially more wars would have broken out too. 
This point is important because if they didn’t enforce such laws, there would be no boundaries and things would get out of control. Meaning no trades and no agreements. For example:

  • They drank recklessly
  • Prostitution
  • Drunken Acts

In conclusion, a treaty is well worth needing and provides safe aspects to the people and society. A treaty enforced rules, and laws after certain actions had been shown from the public. With a treaty in place, they are still able to trade along with agreements.

Paragraph 2: The Lawyer
( Maori Rights ) 
  • Another reason a treaty was needed was to protect Maori rights, to protect their land and also to prevent more killing. 

  • This is important because without being in place there would be more killings, which would lead to population change. Maori land could also be lost and handed over to the Missionaries.

Evidence to support this:

  • The killing continues = population change
  • Maori Land Lost 
  • Unprotected Maori rights 

Paragraph 3: The Hammer
( Musket Wars ) 

  • Musket wars lead to many killings that could also affect their population 
  • Many trades were affected
  • Maori we're outnumbered as they didn’t have as such powerful weapons like the English did such as the Musket. 

  • They needed a treaty to prevent more musket wars, which helps which population change within the Maori’s as well. And to prevent affected trades. 

  • If we don’t get a treaty finalised and enforced the population will decrease and more musket wars could occur- affecting the Maori population heavily. No laws would be set, meaning people can go on with their madness. 

In conclusion, a treaty needs to be set with laws and boundaries in order to save more lives and to prevent a huge downfall in the population. 

Paragraph 4: The Slam Dunk
( Declaration of Independence ) 
  • Finally, the Declaration of Independence was needed for Maori to trade with other countries and as well to protect Maori rights. New Zealand did not have an official flag yet, meaning they couldn’t trade internationally at this time. 

In conclusion, all these 4 scenarios needed a treaty. It was used to enforce laws and control wars and behaviour. The Treaty of Waitangi was one of the most significant events in New Zealand history. This treaty just shows how it can create safety within a country. And its really created what New Zealand is today.

Thursday 24 October 2019

Yellowstone Caldera - Science

Yellowstone Caldera

How do volcanoes form?
- Volcanoes are formed when magma from within the Earth’s upper mantle works its way up to the surface. When it reaches the surface, it erupts to form lava flows and ash deposits. Over time as the volcano continues to erupt, it will get bigger and bigger.

Where is it located?
- Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, United States

When did it last erupt?

- Approximately 640,000 years ago, which produced 240 cubic miles ( 1,000 km3 ) of rock, dust and volcanic ash into the sky.

Did it do any damage when it last erupted?

- If the Yellowstone Caldera spewed ash it would have gone thousands of miles across the United States- damaging buildings, ruining crops and shutting down power plants


- Many people believe an eruption will happen every 600,000.
- When it was to erupt it would cause drastic damage and cause a change in temperature and much more.
- It said to be changing frequently.

Image result for Yellowstone Caldera

Volcano eruption:

I and my group had the task of creating a look-alike volcano to one of our group members volcanoes. We chose Mauna Loa, as the volcano to create. Once it was created, we then added into a beaker 20ml of water and then 4 spatulas of potassium iodide. Then in our water bottle which was in the middle of the volcano ( we stuck paper around it, which created our volcano ), we added to the bottle an amount of Hydrogen Peroxide, with dishwashing liquid and any food colouring of your choice. 

Pasta ( Practical Week 1, Term 4 )

Teamwork Aspects:
 Task = Making Pasta

- Skills within team = I thought that our team worked really well, and the end result was delicious. 

- Improvements = I think we could have listened to instructions, better as we were a bit lost. 

- Time Management = 

- Feedback = The pasta was delicious and the sauce was cooked perfectly.

- Taste, Texture, Colour etc of product. = The texture 

- Improvements or modifications that can be made = We could have definitely let the pasta cook for longer, as it got cold quick. 

Next step for own learning

- I could've been much more aware of the instructions being given. 

Wednesday 23 October 2019

E-asTTle Practice Writng - Persuasive

Currently, in English, we have been practising our E-asTTle writing skills for our upcoming E-asTTle test. As you can see underneath is paragraph will be multiple writing skills and structures I am trying to perfect and understand.
I am aiming to improve my writing in the following 3 areas: Organisation, Structure & Language and Sentence Structure.
I will do this by:
( Organisation ) - I will do this by practising and developing the skills to link all of my paragraphs together. As in, making each last sentence of my paragraphs link to the first sentence of the second paragraph.
( Structure & Language ) - I will do this by creating and putting in some sentences that include things such as rhetorical questions or a ponderous thought to catch the readers attention.
( Sentence Structure ) - I will do this by adding more of a variety of sentences in order to create an impact. Such as embedded clauses and making sure my writing is free comma splices.

( My draft writing, down below. The highlighted )
“Sportsmen should not get paid to play sports”

I disagree with this opinion, as in my eyes sportsmen should get paid for the sports they play, as
technically that’s their running job. Sportsmen in all different categories of sport should always get
paid for what they do. As it’s their job to perform and encourage people all while putting an enormous
amount of time, money & effort into it. Sportsmen are paid to put on an incredible, fast and often
tough game versing opponents. Which is made to rial the crowd up in hopes, for more outsiders to
get interested and more recognition for the sport itself. 

These people deserve to get payed as their putting their body on the line and their adding a huge
amount of time and money into this sport- as well as having to sell and present the sport to locals,
communities and also highly recommended... schools preferably primary schools. As at that age,
their still properly adjusting to the environment of sport, and are also super active. Meaning getting
them into sport earlier would help with getting more kids interested in sports and also helping them
to adapt to the environment and help with creating and mastering skills. 

Another factor to include is the hate that these sportsmen get. Throughout social media and partly
face to face as well. They get harsh comments on their performances throughout their games, on
basically how well they play. Majority of the time fans will throw hate and shade on players who
haven’t just had a bad game but the whole team if they’ve lost against their opponents. Comments
can sometimes lead back to personal problems and culture. You may often hear a lot of racial slurs
being thrown at players, especially if their foreign to the team and country. 

In conclusion, sportsmen should be getting paid. As they put a huge amount of time, effort and
money into what they do. To sportsmen this is their job, this is their standing career. They have to
present and sell their sports to the audience not just around them but globally too. They put their
bodies on the line in order to get other people’s satisfaction. They get bashed around and
dangerously injured in order to bring success for their team and club. Which is something you
wouldn’t want to involve yourself with, an ordinary job. So not only is it tiring, but it’s dangerous
and hateful.

 But still, these sportsmen continue in what they do because it makes them feel complete and
happy, knowing that they’ve made a career out of what they love. Imagine if you were in such a
position? Playing your heart out, doing something you love all while putting your body on the line
for it, to only end up with nothing in return. How would you feel, knowing someone is just using you
to make money and success off of you, to then only end up with no reward in the end?

Monday 21 October 2019

Tangaroa ( Maori God ) Social Studies

Tangaroa, Poseidon & Varuna are all linked by all being gods or rulers of oceans, lakes, rivers and god of the sea life. Although they all have their own separate stories behind them, they are all very much alike in their own cultures. 

Thursday 26 September 2019

Physical Education - Gymnastics

In p.e the current unit we are learning and focusing on is gymnastics! We have been learning and practising the basic of gymnastics with the basic equipment. Before we started this unit, I had zero skills involving gymnastics especially regarding coming off of a dislocated knee injury. Of course, some sequences were easily manageable as, during my childhood I often spent a lot of time on the trampoline. I think what I could improve on next time could definitely be, my technique of my backwards roll as I constantly fell towards the side and couldn’t actually roll myself over properly. I thought, something I did well was the bean sequence, as it was a lot lower and easier on my knee. Their was a bigger beam but I wasn’t able to bend my knee and get up properly. 

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Pad Thai ( Practical Week 7 )

Teamwork Aspects:

 Task = Making Pad Thai 

- Skills within team = Today I thought we were really on point with working with each other effectively and our time management. 

- Improvements = I found that this lesson we made a mistake that we thought at the time couldn't be fixed, but we put our minds to it and were able to save the dish. 

- Time Management = 

- Feedback = Our Pad Thai dish was cooked perfectly although we found it was overly sweet. We also didn't think that the peanuts should've been used, but maybe if they were a different sort or softened we'd try it again with them. 

- Taste, Texture, Colour etc of product. = Our dish was overly sweet, though was cooked just right and was super soft and slippery. The colour of our product was a nice medium beige colour! 

- Improvements or modifications that can be made = Next time we could be more aware of the instructions and definitely experiment with certain add ons before completly adding them in.  

Next step for own learning

- I could've been much more aware of our time management and could've started more tasks to help complete it faster. 

Thursday 5 September 2019

Building a Land Yacht - The Fastest

Build the fastest land yacht

Aim: To build the fastest land yacht. 

 1m paper roll
 2m tape
 cardboard square
metal rod
 wooden trolley 

1. Cut a square shape out of paper.
2. Make 2 holes, big enough to fit the rod
3. Make a curve
4. Take rod and place in the 2 holes, in the paper 
5. Take the wooden trolley and place the sail with the rod in the hole of the wooden trolley. 
6. To make a curve sail out of paper, tape in using the metal rod as the axles and masts for the sail. 

Planning: We were thinking that we could create a square sail with a stick through the middle. We think the wind will blow best with a square sail, due to the easy force of the wind direction. 

Research: We have so far researched how to make small sailboats and land yachts. Within our research, we found that the most popular and effective ideas were square or triangle sailboats. 

Drawn plan:

Results/Discussion:  In the end, just as we were about to race our land yacht it collapsed on us before we had the chance to see it go. Before it completely collapsed we had taken notice, that the hole made out of wood had actually split causing our rod to lean backwards, making our paper to fall inwards as well. We also did not have enough sellotape for our cardboard holding at the bottom, which meant our paper was hitting the wheels and our yacht was not able to move properly. Next time we will think of a more simple and practical shape for our land yacht.

Conclusion: In conclusion, our plan had started outright but in the end, the yacht collapsed and we weren't able to get a final result. Next time we can definitely, work on not overthinking our plans and shall experiment earlier to see what shape would've worked best.  

Essay Pre-Planning

Our task:

  • Describe a relationship between 2 or more characters in the text. Explain how this relationship helped you to understand at least 1 of the characters.
- My group chose Inan & Zelie. This relationship, helped me understand Zelie by showing 3 different main character traits. Open-minded, strong person and has a soft side. By researching into this relationship I found a lot of flaws about Zelie, and how she overcame everything she went through. To me, this was really inspiring.

Wednesday 4 September 2019

Pizza ( Practical Week 6 )

Teamwork Aspects:
 Task = Making Pizza's

- Skills within team = Today I thought we were really on point and had a pleasant time management.

- Improvements = I found that this lesson we honestly didn't lack, much in my opinion. 

- Time Management = 

- Feedback = The pizza was cooked and based perfectly, with all of our toppings placed evenly. 

- Taste, Texture, Colour etc of product. = The texture 

- Improvements or modifications that can be made = Next time we could be more organised with time management.

Next step for own learning

- I could've been much more aware of our time management and could've started more tasks to help complete it faster. 

Tuesday 3 September 2019

How were pyramids built?

The Pyramids Of Giza

( The ancient pyramids of Egypt were built and constructed from 2630-2610 BC. There are 3 main pyramids out of more than 12, in Giza. The Pyramid of Menkaure, the Pyramid of Khafre and the Great Pyramid of Khufu. They were made, The pyramids were made out of limestone, granite, basalt, gypsum, and baked mud bricks. ) 

All of the tools and materials they used were natural resources. They got the main source known as limestone from quarries. They would put water underneath the brick, then they would push a stick through the middle. During this process, the stick expands because of the water causing the brick to split in half. Once the bricks split, there ready to be transported and then laid. Bricks are then pulled on a so-called sled and have water poured on the sand before them in order for the sled to be, able to move. Once moved these bricks were then placed down and formed into the strongest shape ( the triangle ) Egyptians has to be smart about this and actually also created a lot of our subjects today. They then sealed what was now a formed pyramid with limestone. 

Essay Pre-Writing

Essay Pre-Writing

The incident of Amari & Zelie finding the scroll helped me to understand the idea of the power of friendship because with the help of each other and their determination they were able to get their hands on the scroll.  
We see this in the text when they say " I expect to feel some aura in the scroll's presence." 

The incident of Amari & Zelie finding the scroll helped me to understand the idea of the power of friendship between the two because at the very start of the book Amari & Zelie weren't exactly fond of each other. Though in the end, Zelie decided since Amari had the scroll she should probably make some amends. 

Monday 2 September 2019

Essay Pre-Planning

What we did today and where all this information came from:
( - We had to answer a series of questions about the post-reading for Children of blood and bone. We worked in random groups of 4 or less to answer, these questions. All this information came from the book and was found online. ) 

1. My key event is going to be the solstice.

2. My important character is going to be Zelie.

3. What are the three ways this character changed as a result of the event? 

My character changed from being hopeful to scared

My character changed from being scared to traumatized 

My character changed from being traumatized to revengeful

Wednesday 28 August 2019

Vegetarian Sushi ( Practical Week 5 )

Teamwork Aspects:
 Task = Making Vegetarian Sushi 

- Skills within team = I felt as if we were at our strongest point in this lesson so far. We were neat and correct with measurements. 

- Improvements = All we lacked this session, was time management. We struggled to complete all of our independent sushi rolls on time before the bell rang. 

- Time Management = Our time management wasn't as great as it could've been this week and we definitely could have been more organised with it. 

- Feedback = Our sushi was perfectly rolled and delicious. They were all fresh and full of veggies too. 

- Taste, Texture, Colour etc of product. = All 4 rolls of sushi were even, crunchy, filled perfectly and were extremely fresh.

- Improvements or modifications that can be made = Next time we could be more organised with time management.

Next step for own learning

- I could've been much more aware of our time management and could've started more tasks to help complete it faster. 

Tuesday 27 August 2019

Cave Drawings

My cave drawings were simply about my community and new technology, that we use today.

This was important to me because I was able to express my culture and likings. 

My design fit in with the traditional cave art technique by relating to culture and community in one. 

Thursday 22 August 2019

Children Of Blood And Bone

Chapter 74 – Inan
Note: This time you have not been provided a quote from the story. This is an
King Saran firmly believes in duty over self. Peace between maji and kosidán
failed in the past, so he does not want to try again.
Inan believes he must make a similar choice between his country and his
heart. He makes the same choice as his father, even though the majacite
sword blisters his own skin (this is symbolism). Inan gives up everything to be
everything his Father wants.
This could be compared to / A message I take from this scene is

- The message I take away from this explanation is that King Saran has to put his people, his country before himself. Duty as a king (royal) is to always protect what your ruling over. Inan wants to give everything up to be best in his father's eyes because in my opinion, his feelings have gotten the better of him. Knowing his father feels proud, and adores him a bit more Inan's feelings, of course, start to feel positive blinding him into believing his father. 

Fish n Chips ( Practical Week 4 )

Teamwork Aspects:
 Task = Making Fish n Chips

- Skills within team = We actually, worked really effectively with each other on Friday. There were some slight ups and downs with measurements, but in the end we got there with a delicious result. 

- Improvements = We could definitely work on, making sure we have correct measurements next time as we found this day, we had too much of one ingredient and not enough of another. 

- Time Management = Our time management was well put together this week, we found were weren't rushing to put things away at the end of the period and actually had time to spare. 

- Feedback = Feedback given was that our fish n chips were well cooked. The fish was golden and crispy, and the chips were also very sweet. 

- Taste, Texture, Colour etc of product. = Both the fish and the chips were sweet and crispy, the fish fell apart just right. The fish was an undertone golden colour, while the chips were a pale yellow colour. The concept idea was to create paper cones, to put our end result in!

- Improvements or modifications that can be made = Next time we could be more organised with measurements and decoration. 

Next step for own learning

- I could be more hands-on, in my group and start on new tasks in the kitchen. 

Image result for fish n chips

Tuesday 20 August 2019

Tech And Change - Social Studies

Are students addicted to their cellphones? If so, is that a problem? 

- From what I've observed students, around me wouldn't be considered "addicted" to their phones ( devices ) although, I may not see how they use their devices at home, from what I have witnessed I can clearly tell were not addicted. On the other hand I definitely agree we could use some off screen time. 

- Yes, it would be a problem if students especially young ones were to be addicted to their device at such a age. Being on a screen to long can affect you in all sorts of ways. Ether it be mental or physical. Mental aspects would mean, you could get affected by words said online that are personal and it could take a toll on you, you could get roped into unnecessary online drama or bullying and more. Social Media has it's good and bad side. Physically you could drain yourself if your on your device to much, especially if your losing sleep over it. This can cause bad eye sight, sleepless nights and mood swings.

( Do I think devices are good? Honestly yes, their extremely helpful and handy in ways we couldn't even imagine. Is it okay if were addicted? No, as much as I like the concept of technology, they also bring a lot of bad outcomes and can cause you to stray away from things. ) 

Children Of Blood And Bone

Chapter 66 – Inan

Father stands in his night robes, scanning a faded map. No sign of hatred. Not
even a hint of disgust.
For him, carving MAGGOT into a girl’s back is just another day’s work.

In that instant it hits me: Zulaikha’s death. Zélie’s screams. They don’t mean a
thing to him. Because they’re maji, they’re nothing.

The message I take away from this scene is, that this could relate to The Power Of One, where the Germans had full power over the African culture of people. Though like, King Saran the Germans abused the power and overruling they had. Both held grudges against, those who they thought didn't deserve anything, who didn't mean anything to them. 

Monday 19 August 2019

Children Of Blood And Bone

Chapter 63 - Zélie
“You know what intrigues me about your kind? You always start in the middle
of the story. As if my father didn’t fight for your rights. As if you maggots didn’t
burn my family alive.”
“You can’t enslave an entire people for the rebellion of a few.”
Saran bares his teeth. “You can do whatever you want when you’re the king.”

- The message I take way from this is...that you can never know the full truth. There is always a reason behind, ones doing. King Saran, was taking his long overdue revenge, on those who once took his family away from him. The line "you can do whatever you want when you're the king" basically is relating to abusing your power, taking advantage of the overruling you have. The king has been painted as this evil, monster who just wants everything his way making it hard for people to want to know, his story. 

Friday 16 August 2019

Tech And Change

Technology Definition
Technology is the creative process that utilities tools, resources and systems to solve problems. It also enhances control over natural and man made environments to improve our lives.

- Explanation: Our slides are, a whole different range about the topic of technology change and history. So far we have done, 20 or more suggestions of what technology has effected over time. And we have also just started on our facts and timeline!

Thursday 15 August 2019

Children Of Blood And Bone

Chapter 61 – Zélie
Tears sear my vision, falling fast down my face. A Healer. A child.
Yet her last moments are stained with hate.

- A message I take from this is...that we shouldn't take our lives for granted. We should always be grateful for being safe and for what we have as we never know what could come in the future. This brave, thirteen year old stepped up in front of a royal army just to protect her people and take the consequences, we now know we should always be grateful for such people.